Lost-Found Nation of Islam Training: Understanding And Making Exodus From the Old World of Confusion
By Zaqqiyah Haamidah In a lecture entitled, “Make Way For the New World”, Minister Karriem Alghani of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam provided lecture attendees with answers to the following questions: * When did the Old World expire? * What is the Old World? * Why must the Old World end? In short, the Old […]
Reparations For Slavery: How Right Is Trump About The 14th Amendment?
By Zaqqiyah Haamidah Donald Trump, U.S. presidential hopeful, wants to help take back control of America from the ‘illegals’ and/or undocumented immigrants. To do this, Trump seeks to repeal, overturn, or amend the Fourteenth Amendment to legally gather people who live in the U.S. under an interpretation that allows citizenship to mothers who give birth […]
KPFT Radio Interview Discusses The “Blueprint” From Honorable Silis Muhammad of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam
By Zaqqiyah Haamidah Minister Omar Hassan discussed a letter about reparations for slavery sent by the Chief Executive Officer of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam, Mr. Silis Muhammad, to U.S. President Barack Obama during a radio interview on KPFT 90.1 on Sunday, April 13. Read the “Blueprint” here. Minister Omar Hassan, Ambassador-At-Large of the Afrodescendant Nation, gave […]