Monetary Contribution


Your Monetary Contribution Can Make a Difference

We increase freedom, justice, and equality for the Black man, woman, and child because it is what the Black Family deserves.

Thanks to donations from supporters like you, the Lost Found Nation of Islam has advanced the cause for FULL freedom, justice, and equality for the Black Family for many years. But our work is far from over.

Support the Lost Found Nation of Islam today and join a dedicated group of people who are leading the fight to protect the future of the Black Family. You can play an important role in our efforts to protect, uplift, and advance the Black Family in America and around the world.

Please donate today!

In order to make an offline donation we ask that you please follow these instructions:

  1. Send your name, email address, how much, and what you are donating using the CONTACT US form below.
  2. Make a check or money order payable to “CEO Lost-Found Nation of Islam”
  3. On the memo line of the check or money order, please indicate: “Lost-Found Nation of Islam-Houston”
  4. Mail your check or money order to:

Muhammad’s Mosque c/o Jameel El Shabazz
3040 Campbellton Road, S.W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30311

All contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and are tax deductible.

Make A Contribution Today

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