
The Lost-Found Nation of Islam-Houston helps Blacks, “African-Americans”, Afrodescendants end the cycle of civil and spiritual death, and overcome the psychological impact of plantation slavery (racism).

Honorable Silis Muhammad

Under the leadership of the Honorable Silis Muhammad, Chief Executive Officer of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam, we are located in Houston, Texas.

Lost-Found Nation of Islam in Houston is a resource for government, media, educators and the public about reparations for plantation slavery, the teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, so-called African American civil death, the Willie Lynch Syndrome and the Afrodescendant identity (a United Nations designated identity for descendants of TransAtlantic Slavery).

We monitor destructive policies and quality of life issues related to the Black Family in the Americas.

We foster intra-relations and results-driven cooperation between Afrodescendant populations.

Our programs help Blacks, “African Americans”, Afrodescendants gain 100% freedom, justice, equality & independence.

Learn about Lost-Found Nation of Islam Houston’s programsnews and resources.

Or contact us now if you have a question.

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