Saviour’s Day 2020: We’re looking forward to Saviour’s Day. Here’s what to expect…
We’re highly anticipating the 2020 Saviour’s Day events planned for February 21-23, 2020 in Atlanta, Georgia. You might want to do the same. Here’s why… Celebrated by many who live according to that Knowledge brought to the Black man, woman, and child who are Afrodescendants by Master Fard Muhammad (to Whom all praises are due) […]
What 400 Years of African-American History has to do with a land of milk and honey?
By Zaqqiyah Haamidah In a lecture entitled, “A Land Flowing With Milk and Honey”, Minister Omar Hassan of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam Houston brought modern-day understanding to this phrase known to come out of the Bible. What many may not know, however, is that the phrase has sacred and secular applications to the life […]
KPFT Radio Interview Discusses The “Blueprint” From Honorable Silis Muhammad of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam
By Zaqqiyah Haamidah Minister Omar Hassan discussed a letter about reparations for slavery sent by the Chief Executive Officer of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam, Mr. Silis Muhammad, to U.S. President Barack Obama during a radio interview on KPFT 90.1 on Sunday, April 13. Read the “Blueprint” here. Minister Omar Hassan, Ambassador-At-Large of the Afrodescendant Nation, gave […]