We’re highly anticipating the 2020 Saviour’s Day events planned for February 21-23, 2020 in Atlanta, Georgia. You might want to do the same. Here’s why…
Celebrated by many who live according to that Knowledge brought to the Black man, woman, and child who are Afrodescendants by Master Fard Muhammad (to Whom all praises are due) and which was taught by the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad (peace be upon him), Saviour’s Day is the only event of its kind in North America…and Saviour’s Day 2020 with the Lost-Found Nation of Islam will be just as action-packed and full of information!
Certainly the past Saviour’s Day was no less notable.
Saviour’s Day 2019
- A fun and exhilarating parade
- Conversation, laughs, and good eats over dinner
- Unique products offered by Afrodescendant vendors
- And, of course, lots of free-flowing bean pies đŸ™‚
…and so much more
So, are you thinking it might be a good idea to spend a few days with us learning the latest on the work to gain FULL freedom, justice, and equality for the so deserving Afrodescendant people?
Have a look below to decide:
So, as you can see, the Honorable Silis Muhammad’s keynote address “AFRODESCENDANTS, You Have The Legal Right To Self Determination: This Is Your Saviour’s Day!” happening in Atlanta, Georgia is an address that you just might want to attend.
You can learn more about what self-determination means for Afrodescendants and you can find out why this timely topic is relevant to Saviour’s Day. You can bring your questions and get answers to them. It’s not everyday that you can get a chance to hear the Honorable Silis Muhammad speak at a live event. Come and hear the Honorable Silis Muhammad SPEAK!
(NOTE: Let us know that you’re planning to attend Saviour’s Day with the Lost-Found Nation of Islam. Be at the cutting-edge of understanding the best moves that any Afrodescendant can make at this hour. Send us a shout out here.)