
Lost-Found Nation of Islam Celebrates the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad

The Lost-Found Nation of Islam-Houston (LFNOI-Houston) celebrates the birthday of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad (pbuh), who was born on October 7th. A special lecture is given by Karriem Al-Ghani, minister of the LFNOI-Houston, at Shape Community Center-Live Oak in Houston, Texas. Attendees to this special lecture learn little-known, critical facts about the identity and […]

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What are the effects of ’Good Hair/Bad Hair’ Talk On So-Called African American Children?

by Zaqqiyah Haamidah Today Minister Karriem Al-Ghani answered this question during his second talk in the Black History Month/Black Holocaust Commemoration lecture series. Minister Al-Ghani began by recalling his life as a young boy hearing women in his family speak to their daughters about their hair. The conversation went something like, ‘Girl, sit still and […]

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By Zaqqiyah Haamidah Silis Muhammad, Chief Executive Officer of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam, published a Muhammad Speaks Newspaper centerfold article entitled, “But Not My Throne” in 1988. Mr. Muhammad spoke on the similarities between the Joseph who took ownership of Egypt in the Bible (Genesis 37) and presidential hopeful Jesse Jackson in that article; […]

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