
PRESS RELEASE-Open Letter to President Barack Obama

  Contact: Zaqqiyah Haamidah Email: [email protected] Lost-Found Nation of Islam Chief Executive Officer’s  Open Letter to the U.S. President, Congress, Joint Chief of Staff, and the Pope of Rome Drawing Support For Reparations For Slavery  Need for Reparations for Slavery Urgent Due to Imminent Doom of America HOUSTON (March 23, 2014) — Hundreds of people […]

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Blacks, “African Americans”, Afrodescendants Take the Next Step Toward Eliminating Civil Death and the Willie Lynch Syndrome

On December 16, 2012, the Lost-Found Nation of Islam (LFNOI) held the First National Election for President of the Afrodescendant Nation in mosques across the U.S. recognizing and restoring the Afrodescendant (slave descendants of the Transatlantic Slavery) human right to civil life. The Honorable Silis Muhammad, Chief Executive Officer of the LFNOI, previously identified that […]

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Is The National Defense Authorization Act The Latest Threat To The Black Family?

Every year, the U.S. State Department issues reports on individual rights in other countries, monitoring the passage of restrictive laws and regulations. For example, America looks critically at other countries for denying fair public trials, undermining due process, using secret evidence and torture. | Even as America judges countries considered lacking freedom, many vocal white […]

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