Why Obama’s Birth Certificate Is Important

By Zaqqiyah Haamidah

Did you know that 90,000 people searched Google for “Obama Birth Certificate” last month? It appears people want to know more about the origin of U.S. President Barack Obama.obama-family-name

You might recall back when Mr. Silis Muhammad, Chief Executive Officer of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam and All For Reparations & Emancipation (a nongovernmental organization in consultative status with the United Nations), alerted the Black Family that something was out of kilter about Obama’s heritage when Obama took office.

Well, Minister Karriem Al-Ghani continued the lecture, “But Not My Throne,” to explain why Pharaoh (representative of America’s rulership) would want to place a non-slave descendant in line for presidency.

When you read Genesis 37, you will note that Pharaoh’s government is in dire straits economically when Joseph takes office, just like America’s economy is in dire straits in these times of record unemployment rates for so-called African Americans, crashing stock markets and industry bubbles a bursting.

The Bible foretells that Pharaoh’s government is destined to fall apart.

Pharaoh’s advisors were on-hand to help solve the government’s problems. Pharaoh summoned the incarcerated Joseph to interpret dreams for him instead. Minister Al-Ghani highlighted that for Pharaoh to take a member of the servant class out of prison to do what the professional advisors couldn’t do, Pharaoh had to be desperate.

So why would Pharaoh have Obama as president instead of a so-called African American slave descendant (Afrodescendant) as the Bible foretells?

As reminded by Minister Al-Ghani, the Nation of Islam began when Master Fard Muhammad (To Whom All Praise is Due), the son of a Black man and a white woman came to America in 1930 to fulfill the role of Almighty Allah. He raised up the Last Messenger of Allah, the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad (peace be upon him) from the ex-slave population. Master Fard Muhammad had the nature of two peoples within Him. Yet, He showed compassion for America’s ex-slave population.

Although Obama’s birth certificate would show that he is not a slave descendant, he reigns over present-day Egypt (America). Obama’s father was Black and his mother white. He embodies the nature of white and Original Man; however, he is most compassionate to the needs of America.

If you believe that the Bible is a prophetic book, do you think that tinkering with prophecy is a good or bad thing? You can get help understanding the prophecies in the Bible and Holy Quran, especially as relates to the Black Family here.

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    • Ibrahim Hasaan Ali (Chris)
    • November 28, 2010

    I think that its a good thing and would like to see alot of it so I could learn from it myself I want to become a minister myself of the LFNOI.

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