Elijah Muhammad
Lost-Found Nation of Islam Celebrates the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad
The Lost-Found Nation of Islam-Houston (LFNOI-Houston) celebrates the birthday of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad (pbuh), who was born on October 7th. A special lecture is given by Karriem Al-Ghani, minister of the LFNOI-Houston, at Shape Community Center-Live Oak in Houston, Texas. Attendees to this special lecture learn little-known, critical facts about the identity and […]
Eat Less, Live Longer
“Eat one good meal of food a day for good health. One meal a day or every two days could spell the end of much medicine, doctor bills, and the building of hospitals if we would eat the proper food and eat it only when it is necesary to eat it.” Source: Honorable Elijah Muhammad, […]