BLACK JUSTICE: Lost-Found Nation of Islam Participates in the Ndaba United For Reparations Event

Minister Karriem Al-Ghani, along with Assistant Ministers Omar Hasan and Fatimah Umrani, will participate in the Ndaba 2012 United for Reparations event to occur on October 5-7, 2012, at Shape Community Center, 3903 Almeda, Houston, Texas 77004. Ndaba 2012 United for Reparations is a multi-organizational event that seeks to provide Afrodescendants (slave descendants of the […]

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BLACK INDEPENDENCE: Lost-Found Nation of Islam Unveiled the Government of the Afrodescendant Nation

First Presidential Elections Held December 2012 The Lost-Found Nation of Islam unveiled the government of the Afrodescendant Nation in a series of nationwide events that began in 2012. The Lost-Found Nation of Islam, under the leadership of the Honorable Silis Muhammad, is walking out the major directive ‘Do for Self’ given to Afrodescendants (descendants of the […]

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Lost-Found Nation of Islam Celebrates the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad

The Lost-Found Nation of Islam-Houston (LFNOI-Houston) celebrates the birthday of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad (pbuh), who was born on October 7th. A special lecture is given by Karriem Al-Ghani, minister of the LFNOI-Houston, at Shape Community Center-Live Oak in Houston, Texas. Attendees to this special lecture learn little-known, critical facts about the identity and […]

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