Black Freedom
Black Freedom issues and help
How to improve the Black condition without enduring U.S. politics (which doesn’t address what’s required for true Black freedom)
Upon realizing they need to do more to improve the Black condition, there are Black community activists and concerned Black Family members that say you should make sure you vote to let your voice be heard. Don’t get me wrong. Everyone must be productive in the society in which they live. However, participating in America’s […]
Blacks, “African Americans”, Afrodescendants Take the Next Step Toward Eliminating Civil Death and the Willie Lynch Syndrome
On December 16, 2012, the Lost-Found Nation of Islam (LFNOI) held the First National Election for President of the Afrodescendant Nation in mosques across the U.S. recognizing and restoring the Afrodescendant (slave descendants of the Transatlantic Slavery) human right to civil life. The Honorable Silis Muhammad, Chief Executive Officer of the LFNOI, previously identified that […]
BLACK FREEDOM: Lost-Found Nation of Islam Celebrates Saviour’s Day
On February 26th of each year, the Lost-Found Nation of Islam celebrates Savior’s Day in Atlanta, Georgia at 3040 Campbellton Road, S.W. with a timely keynote address from Chief Executive Officer, the Honorable Silis Muhammad. Savior’s Day is the official observance of the birthday of Almighty Allah, who appeared in the person of Master Fard Muhammad, […]