Black People In Houston
Blacks/African Americans: How do you know the Chosen of God?
By Zaqqiyah Haamidah Tsunamis in Indonesia, storms in northeastern United States, political and personal attacks against Barack Obama… These are just a few of the recent events that hold signs to understanding the chaotic times in which we live. They also hold keys to your understanding the proper identity of what people the scriptures call […]
Black Professionals: What Can You Do To Improve The Black Community?
What if the Black community could somehow be transformed? What if poor health, educational underachievement, legal/incarceration, underemployment, and poverty could suddenly be non-issues for you or your family members? It could probably mean the difference between life and death in some cases, or the difference between a life lacking fulfillment and one of happiness. In […]
The Quality of Life of Blacks, “African Americans”, Afrodescendants
Statistics show that so-called African American slave descendants, or Afrodescendants, continue to live a poor quality of life–even now some 100+ years after the Emancipation Proclamation’s signing. To be exact, Afrodescendants continue to experience problems in: Healthcare Education Employment Wealth ownership Legal problems/incarceration and Racism If you are like most concerned Afrodescendants, you’d be interested to know that […]