Blacks/African Americans: How do you know the Chosen of God?
By Zaqqiyah Haamidah Tsunamis in Indonesia, storms in northeastern United States, political and personal attacks against Barack Obama… These are just a few of the recent events that hold signs to understanding the chaotic times in which we live. They also hold keys to your understanding the proper identity of what people the scriptures call […]
Eat Less, Live Longer
“Eat one good meal of food a day for good health. One meal a day or every two days could spell the end of much medicine, doctor bills, and the building of hospitals if we would eat the proper food and eat it only when it is necesary to eat it.” Source: Honorable Elijah Muhammad, […]
Are Blacks/African Americans the Chosen of God?
by Zaqqiyah Haamidah Many Black/African American radio shows in Houston discuss issues of importance to our community. In calling in to these radio shows, listeners frequently ask, “What is the agenda for Blacks in the U.S.?” Maybe you’ve even heard such questions yourself. During yesterday’s lecture, Blacks/”African Americans”: The Chosen People of God, Minister Karriem Al-Ghani invited […]