Black Family
BLACK INDEPENDENCE: Lost-Found Nation of Islam Unveiled the Government of the Afrodescendant Nation
First Presidential Elections Held December 2012 The Lost-Found Nation of Islam unveiled the government of the Afrodescendant Nation in a series of nationwide events that began in 2012. The Lost-Found Nation of Islam, under the leadership of the Honorable Silis Muhammad, is walking out the major directive ‘Do for Self’ given to Afrodescendants (descendants of the […]
BLACK FREEDOM: Lost-Found Nation of Islam Celebrates Saviour’s Day
On February 26th of each year, the Lost-Found Nation of Islam celebrates Savior’s Day in Atlanta, Georgia at 3040 Campbellton Road, S.W. with a timely keynote address from Chief Executive Officer, the Honorable Silis Muhammad. Savior’s Day is the official observance of the birthday of Almighty Allah, who appeared in the person of Master Fard Muhammad, […]