By Zaqqiyah Haamidah
Tsunamis in Indonesia, storms in northeastern United States, political and personal attacks against Barack Obama…
These are just a few of the recent events that hold signs to understanding the chaotic times in which we live. They also hold keys to your understanding the proper identity of what people the scriptures call Chosen of God.
For many years, common knowledge has dictated that the Chosen of God were modern-day Jews.
In other words, popular thinking maintained that the Chosen of God could not remotely be Black people. However, Minister Karriem Al-Ghani presented proof to the contrary in today’s lecture.
To begin, Master Fard Muhammad (to Whom All Praise is due), upon making His presence known in North America, set a series of events in motion when He found slave descendants in North America in the early 1900s. He then:
- Taught Islam to the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad (peace be upon him), which then taught so-called African Americans for 40 years in fulfillment of the role of Biblical Moses,
- The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad then began to change the names of so-called African American people from English to Muslim names, and
- The idea of nationhood grew within the hearts of so-called African American people as a result of the teachings of Master Fard Muhammad.
Minister Al-Ghani invited so-called African Americans to accept their own (people). He stated that you, Blacks/so-called African Americans have your own Muslim names that belong to you (identity), you have the earth which belongs to you, and you have a divinely-given concept of government.
You only need to know it and accept your own.
You can learn more about the subject of Blacks being the Chosen of God and what must be done to save the Black Family now by clicking here.
T.H.E.M. been telling us do for self now its time for us to stand on these Houston streets and put this word out to our people before the gangs that the devil laid out for us to destruy our selves happen cause the longer we sit back and waitmore of our people are leaving us do to the Willie Lynch and gangs .I am right now in orientation and when I can with the proper permission I would like to unveil these ones that are still in the mental slavery .I was once part of the problem so now I want to be da uplifter of or race .
A.S.A. Ibrahim Hasan Ali (Chris)
As Salaam Alaikum, Brother. We welcome you. We (so-called African Americans) are the Jesus that we’ve been waiting for. The sooner our people realize this, our outlook will change for the better. Congratulations on your Awakening.